Customizing your BinderHub deployment#

JupyterHub customization#

Because BinderHub uses JupyterHub to manage all user sessions, you can customize many aspects of the resources available to the user. This is primarily done by modifications to your BinderHub’s Helm chart (config.yaml).

To make edits to your JupyterHub deplyoment via config.yaml, use the following pattern:


For example, see this section of the Helm Chart.

For information on how to configure your JupyterHub deployment, see the JupyterHub for Kubernetes Customization Guide.

If you want to customise the spawner you can subclass it in extraConfig. For example:

        10-binder-customisations: |
          class MyCustomBinderSpawner(BinderSpawner):

          c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = MyCustomBinderSpawner

BinderHub uses the jupyterhub.hub.extraConfig setting to customise JupyterHub. For example, BinderSpawner is defined under the 00-binder key. Keys are evaluated in alphanumeric order, so later keys such as 10-binder-customisations can use objects defined in earlier keys.

About page customization#

BinderHub serves a simple about page at https://BINDERHOST/about. By default this shows the version of BinderHub you are running. You can add additional HTML to the page by setting the c.BinderHub.about_message configuration option to the raw HTML you would like to add. You can use this to display contact information or other details about your deployment.

Custom configuration for specific repositories#

Sometimes you would like to provide a repository-specific configuration. For example, if you’d like certain repositories to have higher pod quotas than others, or if you’d like to provide certain resources to a subset of repositories.

To override the configuration for a specific repository, you can provide a list of dictionaries that allow you to provide a pattern to match against each repository’s specification, and override configuration values for any repositories that match this pattern.


If you provide multiple patterns that match a single repository in your spec-specific configuration, then later values in the list will override earlier values.

To define this list of patterns and configuration overrides, use the following pattern in your Helm Chart (here we show an example using GitHubRepoProvider, but this works for other RepoProviders as well):

        - pattern: ^ines/spacy-binder.*:
             key1: value1
        - pattern: pattern2
             key1: othervalue1
             key2: othervalue2

For example, the following specification configuration will assign a pod quota of 999 to the spacy-binder repository, and a pod quota of 1337 to any repository in the JupyterHub organization.

        - pattern: ^ines/spacy-binder.*:
             quota: 999
        - pattern: ^jupyterhub.*
             quota: 1337

Banning specific repositories#

You may want to exclude certain repositories from your BinderHub instance. You can do this by providing a list of banned_spec patterns. BinderHub will not accept URLs matching any of the banned patterns.

For example, the following configuration will prevent notebooks in the spacy-binder repository and the ml-training repository from launching.

    # Add banned repositories to the list below
    # They should be strings that will match "^<org-name>/<repo-name>.*"
      - ^ines/spacy-binder.*
      - ^aschen/ml-training.*